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Nonconformity Closure by Clients

Nonconformity Closure by Clients

Non-Conformity is identified by UCSPL through the following sources:

  • Document Review
  • Stage I Audit
  • Stage II Audit
  • Surveillance Audit

Steps for Nonconformity Closure:

  1. Initiate Corrective Action Request (CAR) and submit it to the client.
  2. Define the problem / Non-Conformity.
  3. Identify a Cross-Functional Team to solve the problem.
  4. The Process Owner initiates interim Short-term Containment actions.
  5. Verify the effectiveness of Containment actions.
  6. Conduct Root Cause Analysis (System/Occurrence/Escape).
  7. Verify the Root Cause.
  8. The Process Owner selects and implements Corrective Action (CA).
  9. The Process Owner establishes elements to track the effectiveness of CA.
  10. Verify the effectiveness of CA.
  11. Horizontally deploy CA in other areas/processes and close the corrective action request.
  12. Update all other Procedures/Work Instructions as needed.
  13. Submit the CARs along with supporting documents.
  14. Verification of CA by UCSPL auditor (Surveillance/Follow-up Audit).
  15. Close the CAR and forward it to the UCSPL office along with the audit report.